Is Romance a Slave of Red Roses?

Lady with Red Roses Photo by Nivan Shrestha from Pexels:
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Lady with Red Roses Photo by Nivan Shrestha from Pexels:

Is Romance a Slave of Red Roses?

In my view, romance is a very powerful and beautiful phenomenon. Romance has individual identification. Interestingly, red rose is symbolic to love, affection and romance.

Rose is one of the flowers that has an age-old connection with romance. Even on the Valentine’s Day, the lovers offer roses to each other. Besides, we have a very interesting Grecian myth which is associated with the love Goddess Aphrodite and Adonis, the most beautiful man of the world.

According to the myth, Aphrodite loved Adonis who was a mortal human being. Once Aphrodite came to know that a murder plan has been hatched against Adonis.

 She rushed through a bush of rose to warn Adonis. In this process, some thorns cut and pierced her ankles. The blood of her ankle fell on the white roses. As a result, the petals turned red. 

She, however, was too late. Adonis was killed by a wild boar. Aphrodite started crying. Her tear mingles with the blood of Adonis. Just imagine what happened next?

Her tears and his blood gave birth to another flower: Anemone.    

Yes, the story of red rose and its centuries old connection with love is really interesting. Love indeed is eternal. Every human being wants love though not everyone gets it.

We all love to love. Probably, we want success in relationship.  This is human nature. People fear to unsuccessful relationship.

My dear friends don’t stop love. Only love with wisdom.

Even unsuccessful relationship is your great teacher. For me love is sap of life. Do you know love give you power to increase better understanding?

In love we receive pleasure. That pleasure is a special pleasure. Love makes your moment, day and year contended and meaningful. So life is more beautiful with Red Roses garden or bouquet.

Agree or disagree we cannot ignore love

Red Roses add meaning even to those who are single and deprived of love. Because I strongly believe separated person or single person also deserve happiness like romantic partners.

 It is not a lover who has copyright of red roses. It has a special meaning to a person who is rendered broken hearted due to his or her failure in love.

I know I have no power to change people destiny. But I try to make small efforts for connect with single people with Red Roses. May be this awesome flower change their life miracles?

Love, as a single word, has manifold meanings. They can be explained in different ways. Not only Red Roses, there are many other symbols also that relates to love. It can be a pair of white dove or a painting of red heart.

 They are most popular sings of love. No wonder, the cards conveying romantic greetings always bear a heart symbol and that of a pair of doves.

Some special feelings or phenomena are hidden between you and your soul mate. I want to say that a very big section of people maintains secrecy about their love life. Obviously they are blushing. Probably this way they hide their emotion.

In my view inner secret world, to a great extent, is vital for romantic evolution.

 In some movement in romance, the silence is more important than words. Because of explanation of words in romance have its own limitation.

 This way older people say that silence is best way of communication between two lovers.

Some Quotations About Love Connection With Red Roses.

1 Love someone like bee but if you more deep heart then? Love someone with Red Roses.

2 My love is like Red Roses and sympathy is like for you like petals.

3 When I am faded away I want to give you Red Roses bouquet.

4 I love you end of my life in Red Rose garden. Our tears and pain is also shinning in that garden.

5I accept you with your flaw. No one is perfect. But my only have request to that give me Red Roses in every day and night.

Photo by pintu photoshoot from Pexels:

Some Quotation About Heartbreak And Red Roses-

1 I am promise you that I manage my emotion for your unpredictable behavior. Only do favor for myself send some Red Roses to your lovebirds address.

2 Red Roses is like everything for heart break people. Roses is shinning is give us optimistic way of life.

3 Amazed i am dance, song, tracking and trip with my destructive sad phase of life only blessed of Red Roses therapy.

5 Wonderful to realm of Red Roses in vacation is meaningless without you dear.

Smile Is Expressing Your Feelings

I think the best way to reciprocate each other in love is with smile. Smile is a powerful medium for two hearts.

 I never imagine there is more powerful sign of love than you genuine smile. It is no less important that the symbol of red roses.

Heart break is quite common in love. But it can also channelize our energy. Failure in love life can open other mental faculties. To exemplify, it can make you creative. You can turn a poet, short story writer or a novelist.

No human being welcomes sadness. But it comes in your love life, face it bravely. You must know that life flows. Life flows uninterrupted. Continue with it!

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