I am always fond of white sari with red border

White Sari/Saree Photo by Subha Banik from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-girl-wearing-a-red-sari-8157120/
Reading Time: 4 minutes
White Sari/Saree Photo by Subha Banik from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-girl-wearing-a-red-sari-8157120/

I am always fond of white sari with red border

Some things just good things is  happen with me . One of them is my childhood. Average childhood is good because of lack of non judgmental and innocence.

You guys think why I tell you about childhood and  white sari with red border? what is this both connection. So lets tell you its big connection for my entire life.

I grow of see my grand mom  wear this type of sari.  She was  wonderful lady. Actually, as a kid we siblings don’t understand this type of sari significance.

Unconsciously as a inborn bong girl I see this type of sari. Instead of that I don’t know Its importance.

 Today I know that simple  white  sari with red border  is signifies the white innocence and purity and red color signifies the fertility and prosperity.

I don’t wear sari. This way my desire to wear  white sari  with  red border  is not possible. There are 3 type  white sari with red border.

Photo by Subha Banik from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-holding-a-pen-while-thinking-8157122/

 Gorad, taat and many modern version of this type of sari.   Red sari  decode its great  heritage. Even many one take selfie  with this type of sari.

In my wardrobe many bong sari collection have. I wear it some day when I know the technique of wear sari. In fact red sari is power to create big realm.

My experience of to see lots of diva wear this white sari with red embroidery border sari is always fascinated me. In fact  this type of bong sari is my inspiration for fashion blog.

 I Always want to  discover new type of beautiful Sari. We all bring many dress stuff  but special things reflect specialty. White sari in red border is increases fashion sense.

I am not do favoritism  about particular dress but It is fine to write about some sari which I have highly empathy for its uniqueness.

Today era girls love to wear what they want to wear. Whatever Sari have wonderful touchup in any occasion.

White Sari in re border is visibility for its combo of two color. It is manufactured in murshidabad.

Every region of India have its own unique sari. Sari represent human emotion to.

 Bengal some sari  is phenomenal for its culture.

Just like white sari with red border many saree famous in Bengal like Tant, Baluchuri and Gorod.

We as a  bong girl I sure about my look best way possible.

I mention here try some different blouse for this sari. This also give you glam look.

Photo by Swarup Photography from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-couple-in-traditional-bangladeshi-wedding-gowns-14532241/

 Specially  this type of sari wear in puja and also for function.

I am awe of white red border sari because of its connection with sidoorkhella.

 I think in childhood one day I am also opportunity to play this game.

I not say that only wear one type of garments. Always think outside the box with fusion of tradition.

 I am fond of  white and red border sari despite that I try to shopping taant  for my kakimas and jhethima. They really surprised for my changes in taste.

I believe all the divas look cool with classics attitude with pinch up with conventional.  Shopping some special accessories  for this type of sari.

Modernity does not mean pro to particular garments. Sari is still have big position in fashion.

 With white sari and red border you can do any style. Whatever you want.

I am not any one to suggest what you wear and what you not. I only mesmerizing about my fondness. I already aware that love and likeness of any sari.

Even sari connection to Asia is century old. Any way In a simple way I say that white sari and red border is epitome of many emotion.

 As a bong girl I aware totally that how  white sari transformation with many layer of fashion.

 So we fortunate enough to explored different context of white and red border sari.

Now a day I observed this type of sari not limit to particular region. Whatever it is globally popular sari.

White sari transformation as a so many different type of style with convenience. This type of sari referred as a fashionable stuff.

Fashion designer input bubble of  idea about white and red border sari in their creative field. All over world amazed about this type of beautiful sari.

We rebound with the our ancestor choice and pattern  of dress sense. In the end of this blog I want to tell that all ladies bring it and wear it with nostalgia feelings.

Love you maa ,grandma from dad and mom both side all the aunties.

 My lovely  ladies from whole world this is small efforts to aware about most popular sari white and red border sari.

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