Babies of the jungle

Jungle Photo by Thomas B. from Pexels
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Jungle Photo by Thomas B. from Pexels

Babies of the jungle

Once upon a time, in a big jungle happily lived many animals. There lived   tigers, lion, horse, cow, dog, sheep, goat, hen, pig, kangaroo, rabbit and ducks too.

There lived many birds too. There were sparrows, crows, pigeon, parrots and eagles too. There also lived woodpecker. All the animals and bird lived happily in the jungle.

One bright sunny morning, all the animals had gathered near the river of the jungle to drink water. Some birds too had come to drink water. All of them were with their babies.

They were teaching them all new things.

A small sparrow was watching them all from the top of the tree. She saw all the bay animals.

But she did not know what the baby animals are called as.  She thought of an idea and asked all the animals to introduce their baby names to all the other animals.

All of them liked the idea a lot and decided to introduce their baby names one by one.

First came the cow, it said, “My baby is called a calf.”

Then came the Dog, it said, “My baby is called a puppy.”

After the dog came the cat, it said, “My baby is called a kitten.”

The sheep followed the cat, it said, “My baby is called a lamb.”

After the sheep, came the goat, it said, “My baby is called a kid or a billy.”

Running came the horse, next in the queue, it said “My baby is called a foal.”

Next cam the king of the jungle, the lion, it said, “My baby is called a cub.”

The tiger followed the lion, it said, “My baby too is called a cub.”

Dancing came the hen after the tiger, it said, “My baby is called a chick.”

Then came the pig, it said, “My baby is called a piglet.”

Followed the kangaroo with its baby in its pouch after the pig, it said, “My baby is called a joey.”

Hopping came the rabbit after the kangaroo, it said, “My baby is called a bunny.”

Dancing cam the duck and its baby, it said, “My baby is called a duckling.”

The goose followed the duck, it said, “My baby is called a gosling.”

Then came the huge elephant, it said, “My baby is called a calf elephant.”

Then entered the Rhino, it said, my baby too is called a calf.”

The zebra quickly followed the Rhino, it said, “My baby is called a foal.”

Running came the deer with its little one, it said, “My baby is called a fawn.”

Then came the cheetah with its little one, it said, “My baby too is called a cub.”

Then followed the bear after the cheetah, it said, “My baby too is called a cub.”

Then came the camel, it said, “My baby too is called a calf.”

Then came the peacock in the line, it said, “My baby too is called a peachick.”

Then came the tall animal, the giraffe with its little tall one, it said, “My baby too is a calf.”

In this way all the animals, one by one came and introduced their babies all everyone.

All were very happy to meet the young ones. All the little ones played together happily.

They ran through the whole forest.  All the mothers too very happy seeing the children playing together.

After playing for some time, all the little ones came back to their mothers. All the little ones were very thirsty, so they drank the fresh water from the river nearby.

After that, all went to their homes happily.

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