6 Next Gen career options

career Photo by Marily Torres from Pexels
Reading Time: 3 minutes
career Photo by Marily Torres from Pexels

6 Next Gen career options

The world is buzzing forward with latest technology. And are so are careers. Jobs with flexible timings, hefty pays and remote locations. And the individual is free to choose from innumerable options available.

The next generation has accelerated this pace and created many career options to choose from. With minimum time and basic qualification you can pursue your passion. With just a bit of training.

Here are the best career options ranging from Blogging to Cyber security and Digital marketing. So ditch the regular way and make your career from these mind blowing options.


It is the ultimate option if you have a knack for writing and are creative with your words.

A blog can be personal experience, review, educational and much more. It is the direct way to capture reader’s attention and influence them.

 Writing blogs for firms as well as owning a one can make you rich. If your content is unique, well researched and relevant to the topic, your blog will garner fame and earn money as well through ads and cost per click schemes.

 Digital marketing:

It is a kind of marketing done online .There are various types of digital marketing like SEO,SEM,PPC,SMM etc. Digital marketing is done in various forms to promote a brand or product and sell it to the targeted audience.

The very basic form is “Search Engine Optimization” where an article is written with specific keywords so that it can rank better in search engines. These keywords are based on user’s information. The words they used while searching in net are deployed as keywords.

Digital marketing is the one of the best profit making career.


It is the best work from home career option. All you need to have is social media account and lots of followers on your page to get started. And voila you’re qualified to be influencer.

Amazon and many other major companies hire influencers to promote their product.

Each influencer has a unique way of convincing consumer to buy a product. It may be through a instagram story, a unique skit or an emotional plea .And as long as people buy through your reference, you can keep earning.

Ethical Hacker:

Ethical Hacking is the authorized way of hacking. So peeps if you got a curious kitty in the bag, this is the right career option for you.

A chance to pry on others, access their confidential data with their permission of course.

And you needn’t worry about being caught coz you will be paid to hack.

So damn interesting!

What are you waiting for? Accelerate your career with proper certification and zoom into the space of hacking.

Content Creator:

Content creation is another option for working from home. You can create content at your own pace and be your own boss.

Creating content can be for your own blog, website, and channel or for other paid businesses. Training under an experienced firm can unravel many opportunities for you.And remember  before plunging into the sea ,be ready with safety gear.

Cyber security :

The coolest and best paid career option.If you’re passionate about computers ,this one is for you.

As buisnesses are evolving threats have become more prominent.So it has become necessary for any organisation to hire a cyber security experts to help them.

An expert can prevent threats and secure systems .To prevent loss of essential data and company’s reputation.

All the above career options give you a secured life. And the best part is they don’t require any specific qualification.You can learn it anytime and anywhere at your own pace.So choose the ones which suit you and get ready for the Next Gen.

Please share your opinions on career options and comment on which careers you’re interested in .

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