5 Reasons of Stress and 8 Ways to Overcome

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Stress @pexels.com

5 Reasons of Stress and 8 Ways to Overcome

Human body is addicted to our habits, living lifestyle etc. Human life is comprising of happiness, regrets, feelings, and stresses in whole life.

What is stress?

Stress is the any kind of physical adverse effect or mental frustrations of human activities, creates additional pressure, burden on his mind, body is known as mental and physical stress.

Nowadays, human life goes through long journeys of different age. As a student, Doctor, engineer, professional artist, businessman, etc. have to much stresses in their daily life. Nowadays, corporate lifestyle is becoming difficult because of professional demands extra working hours, unstable economy, business competition and journey etc. all these affected over daily human life and transforming into ‘stresses’, causes family tension and mental health problems in their life.

 Additionally, human brain holds control power of all the mental, physical activities of human body. Human ‘thinks’ & all physical movements, Whatever, all these controls through human Brain. However, If the human body or mind works or performs more than its efficiency it will call as “stressing”. Simple e.g., if, someone lifts weight of 2 kg. he/she will do not feel any stress on hand but, if, he/she goes to lift 15 kg. weight. So, then he/she will feel more stress on hand, called as physical stress. This will also pressure the human mind as well & called as mental stress.

Types of stress and reasons?

  1. Mental stress

2. Physical stress

Competitive lifestyle, economic growth, career growth, race of name, fame and money because of all this human life is become much mental stressful and physically distressed.

Some of the reasons life becomes more stressfulness.

  • Security/worry

Human life goes through ups and down in his/her life. some of the reasons as unforgettable regrets & shocks in his/her, life become insecure feel or always worried about their self.

  • Business/Professional matters-

Corporate peoples are becoming more stressful because of their professional/official demands, they always running for a success or to be a winner and don’t care about self-health.

  • Family Matters –

Family life has also some troubles. family matters are always nothing stable, issues like illness, financial troubles & planning, are causes of many stresses in anybody’s family life.

  • Physical Circumstances-

Human life is full of happiness & regretful. Anybody’s life suffers from any kind of serious disease & physical disability, are the reasons for someone’s life may become stressful.

  • Social Affairs and relationship –

Human is feeling more secured in his/her home, but community starts becoming some problematical such as, Economical, living & society standards, lifestyle etc. all these affects over his/her social relationship and creates more stress in life.

What we can do about it ?

Physical and mental activity for controlling the stress is the art of stress management. Remember, life is not a one-day cricket, nor only three-hour long movie. Must plan for long term lifestyle for your long life.

+ At very early morning, start your day with yoga, exercises at least for minimum one hours.

+ Prayer to God, meditation, and religious reading for at least half hour.

+Watch news channels, read newspaper for half an hour.

+After your working hours, at evening, perform your sports, cultural activities etc. doing light physical exercises.

+Spend some time with your family, child. If, necessary do the shopping or other activities.

+At evening, give some time for watching movies, serials, listening to music you like. Try to spend as much as time with your family.

+Before dinner do some meditation or religious activity.

+Before bed read at least one page of any literature you like.

Ultimately, be happy and make others happy too, in your life. Happier peoples can make more ways of lifestyle, living joyous life. Be careful about yourself in young age life. It’s the period when young people like to make their professional career. Young people must have to make some plans for lifestyle or living life, to overcome the issues concerned to stressfulness. Therefore, manage or plan your lifestyle with the perfect strategy to live Joyous life without any stress.

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