Children’s Development Through the Positivity of Parents and Teachers

Indian Kid
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Indian Kid

Children’s Development Through the Positivity of Parents and Teachers

The Role of Parent & Teachers in the Overall Development of Children

 “Make your children like a guardian forest tree and not like a flowerpot tree”

 The way the forest stretches the twigs of its roots even under the circumstances, it needs no care, one day it will grow and gives space to many animals. While, the flower of the flowerpot has to be carefully monitored, fertilizer has to be applied from time to time, water needs to be added daily, but then someday if forget to add water, then it gets destroyed nastily, but, this forest tree (Mona), it grows in every situation. In the same way, the parents should make the children like a tree of the forest, let them expand themselves and let them move forward from their own struggle.

  Youth age is the stage when the children’s leave childhood and gradually progresses of adulthood. Most young boys at this age have the curiosity and enthusiasm for a young child and the excitement of adult’s knowledge. Youth are the hope of tomorrow, he is one of the most energetic part of the nation and therefore has high expectations from them. With the right mindset and ability, youth can prove to be a boon for the nation.

Development of children’s overall personality:

Every child is a child of his parents, a student of his teacher. Both are most nearby to children every time and knows much better. Academic education is much necessary. But, thereby, Sports, Art & cultural activities are also important for the growth of children, it helps a lot reducing their stress of learning age. However, there is a need to generate sports activities in children but, the undue pressure exerted by parents, incites hatred of sports in children. The tendency towards children to be constantly compared and embarrassed by competing parents has made the situation worse.

“Birds never teach their children to fly, only they make them capable of flying”

Dance, music, art and other activities are excellent options to stimulate children’s creativity. In this way he learns important values ​​like discipline, focus and teamwork, this helps him to come out of the book world and recognize self-ability. Parental pressure on children to perform well has turned these enjoyable activities into competitive events. This has put children under heavy stress.

Recognition of latent qualities:

    Activities in which children usually like to participate more can stop stubbornly to perform tasks. Excessive pressure put on children by teachers or parents also spoils their performance in the area in which they are naturally adept. Also, teachers, trainers and children should not be content with just book knowledge. However, maximum national and state level sportsman & cast could happen, by organizing regular demonstrations, field exercises, competitions etc. to boost the latent qualities of art and sports.

Education vs sports vs art:

Two of the biggest failures of the education system and parents in modern periods are the inability to identify the child’s learning disabilities and the educational failure of the end of life. While the government-run policy is also blamed for the increasing pressure on students and children, child is not failed till the 8th standard. It cannot be denied that a large part of the pressure comes from parents. Some of the regions are examples of this where children are forced by their parents to take up science and mathematics in high school, so, that they can become doctors or engineers later. Children’s choice of interest in commerce & art is ruled out.

 Ultimately, if development of the whole personality is considered as the goal of all education, then the personality of children should be evaluated along with his ability, intelligence, hobbies, habits, attitude as well as life values ​​and abilities of physical activity.

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