Effects of Alcohol on the body

Alchohol @pexels.com
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Alchohol @pexels.com

Effects of Alcohol on the body

Alcohol is a psychoactive, carcinogenic, and toxic substance with dependence-producing properties. Nearly 3 million deaths globally each year are due to alcohol consumption, and also contribute to the poor health and disabilities of millions of people.

Moreover, harmful use of alcohol contributes to 5.1% of the global burden of disease and is accountable for 2.2% and 7.1% of the global burden of disease for females and males respectively.Alcohol leads to premature mortality and disability among people aged 15-49 years, accounting for 10% of all deaths in this age group.

Alcohol starts impacting your body from the very first sip you take. A glass a day may lead to little damage to the overall health while if the habit grows and you start facing a hard time stopping after just one glass can add up to the cumulative effects.

Drinking alcohol too much can cause abnormal digestive enzyme activation produced by the pancreas which may lead to inflammation called pancreatitis. Pancreatitis can cause serious complications and become a long-term condition. Long-term alcohol intake can interfere with the liver functions and increase the risk for lever disease and chronic liver inflammation.

Liver disease leads to waste and toxin buildup in the body and is life-threatening. Women are at higher risk to develop alcoholic liver disease as there bodies can absorb more alcohol and need longer time to process it. As compared to men, liver damage is occur more quickly in women.

Drinking alcohol over a long time or too much at single time can damage the heart causing Cardiomyopathy, Arrhythmias, high blood pressure and stroke. Alcohol being carcinogenic leads to various life-taking cancers. Alcohol has both short and long-term effects depending upon how much is taken and the individual’s physical conditions.



Slurred speech




Breathing difficulties


Distorted hearing and vision


Impaired judgment as alcohol affects the brain wrongly


Blackouts (memory lapses as the drinker doesn’t remember what happened during the influence)



Alcohol contributes to injury-related health conditions including addiction and dependence, cancers, liver cirrhosis, and unintentional injuries such as falls, accidents, drowning, and assaults.

Long term misuse and alcohol intake in large amounts result in the following health problems, including:

  • Permanent damage of the brain,
  • Peripheral neuropathy,
  • Damage to heart muscles i.e. Cardiomyopathy
  • Liver diseases,
  • Cancers and stomach ulcers,
  • Dysfunction of the immune system,
  • Nerve and brain damage
  • Osteoporosis and Vitamin B1 deficiency
  • Gastritis
  • Broken relationship and increased family problems
  • Stroke and high blood pressure.
  • Throat and mouth cancer.


Alcohol although carries connotations of sociability and pleasure in minds of many is still not an ordinary commodity as its harmful consequences of use are widespread and diverse. Drinking alcohol is simply taking ones own life, ruining own happiness and losing family, job and relationships. Avoiding alcohol is the best option. You should avoid drinking and driving as it can reduce health burden of alcohol. Alcohol can be life-threatening, lead to disabilities and dependency.

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