Drug Addiction
Addiction to drugs is a great problem of the country. The drug addicts are mainly students of school and college, and also the students of universities. Failure in love affairs averse to learning, depression and anxiety, frustration are some of the cause of drug addiction. There are more than 20,00,000 drug addicts in our country at present. And at the end of the 21st century, this figure may rise to 15 million.
This was a hopeful moment for hermiduction. Yet despite the strong message from the supreme Court, it was until very recently impossible to open up any new sight in Canada.
There was one interesting thing that happen in December 2016 when due to the overdose crisis the government of British Columbia allow the opening up overdose prevention sites. Making drug illegal does nothing to stop people from using them.
We beliefs that drug users are irresponsible people who just want to get high than through their own personal feeling, spiral down into a life of crime and poverty, losing the jobs, their families. In reality, most drug users have a story, whether it changed.
With trauma, sexual abuse, mental illness or a personal tragedy. We must understand that as we approach people who are in so much trauma.
At first people choose to take a drug because they like the way it makes the feel they get. They think they can control how much and how often they use it. But over time, drugs change their brain, works.
Drug Addiction also causes so many ill-effects. It loses the body weight. Because of this the skin turns into yellow. Because of this the human body turns into skeleton and at last it causes death.
Many people suffer from psychological problem, mental illness, anxiety, depression, adjustment problem. Most people are committed suicide because of this addiction.
Drug can hurt your ability to learn, decision making and judgmental attitude. Because of this drug addiction most of the people involves in criminal behaviors like stealing, robbing etc.
Many people died due to accident because of this drug use.
So, say no to the drug.
And leave this bad habit. Stay happy and enjoy your life happily.
This addiction to drug will give you nothing except evil things or problems.