What Are The 7 Leadership Styles In Business Management? Know About Them In Detail

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Leadership Photo by Pixabay from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-photography-of-yellow-green-red-and-brown-plastic-cones-on-white-lined-surface-163064/

What Are The 7 Leadership Styles In Business Management? Know About Them In Detail

Do you want to lead your business toward prosperity and fame? Have you heard of anyone running his/her business successfully and is eager to know the secret behind it? Well! the secret is the strong leadership style of the business owner. It’s the thing that inspires the business teams and explores the talent present in the team members. 

Generally speaking, 7 leadership styles do prevail in business and for directing your business to the height, you have to uncover the styles of leadership that are within you. It can be one or one plus. How to explore your own styles of leadership? Well, you will know it too. Just continue reading.

The Seven Leadership Styles For Business Management – How To Find Out Your Own? 

1. Autocratic Leadership:

In autocratic leadership, the leaders of various companies remain authoritarian and they ascertain a detailed perception of an end intention and the way to achieve it. An autocratic leader expects his team members to abide by his instructions critically and perform them instantly.

Is Autocratic Leadership Perfect For You?

Autocratic leadership comes to help when it’s critical to get compatible and predictable outcomes. Have limited time for conversation or do your employees desire a lot of explicit guidance from you? Then, as an autocratic leader, you will hit the target, especially in the healthcare and construction sectors.


Decisions can be taken more efficiently within a limited time.

If used influentially, this leadership establishes obvious guidelines and brings uniform results.


The employees’ lack of confidence in the leader might result in their uncomfortable and insecure feeling.

The employees might feel abused if anything is done without a discussion with them 

This leadership style can sacrifice creativeness by reducing group input.

Photo by emre keshavarz from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/ethnic-woman-thinking-on-chess-move-during-game-7037523/

2. Pacesetting Leadership:

In pacesetting leadership, the pacesetting leaders, who are energetic, propel their team members for running fast so that they can finish their allotted work as soon as possible. They keep high expectations for their employees.

Is Pacesetting Leadership Perfect For You?

So, are you working with highly energized team members who love to act and discern results promptly? Are you in a hurry so that a crucial deadline is met? Then, pacesetting leadership is your ideal one, especially if you are handling business in a production department of a manufacturing company.


Objectives are accomplished quickly and results are achieved within the deadline.

Employees thriving in a fast-paced working environment can be engaged by their high and dynamic energy.


It may not suit the employees who succeed on mentorship and personal feedback.

The chances of mistakes increases in environments that are fast-paced and high-stress related. 

3. Transformational Leadership:

In transformational leadership, the leaders (named visionary leaders) strongly devote themselves to the purpose of the organization and the big-picture objectives. Their goals are set after mapping out the details as to where the corporation is moving and what will be the result when they get there.

Is Transformational Leadership Perfect For You?

Does your organization need direction for its drifting? Is it a fast-growing one? Then, transformational leadership is your ideal. With this style, you will get benefitted from corporate restructuring, high-risk corporate transformations, etc.


The company’s future vision becomes a high value

It’s not coercive but so motivational and inspirational that it can be used for gaining support

Catalyzes the growth of the company

Boosts the confidence and retention power of those coworkers who feel truly connected to the company’s objectives.


The nitty-gritty functional details may get missed

For long-term expectations, contemporary problems may have to be sacrificed

Not paying proper attention to the team members’ necessities may result in their loss of sight of individual knowledge curves and the working station’s priorities. 

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-in-white-long-sleeve-shirt-using-a-laptop-3784295/

4. Coaching Leadership:

The leaders in this type of leadership believe their teams as talents’ reservoirs whose developments are necessary. They show their employees the right direction for utilizing their abilities and achieving their full individual or team potential.

Is Coaching Leadership Perfect For You?

Do you retain the time for devoting to your individual coworkers, who knowing about their limitations, are ready for bringing change in themselves? Then, you are a coaching leader.


Regular praising and encouragement can improve the team’s confidence 

Individualized attention can support the employees’ skill advancement.


If utilized fully, you can easily lose the spectacle of the large picture.

5. Democratic Leadership:

This is a kind of leadership where the employees possess the right to make decisions as the decisions don’t solely rest upon the employers.

Is Democratic Leadership Perfect For You?

If your aims are seeking your employees’ input’s gain before coming to any decision, you are a democratic or participative leader.


Building trust and confidence

Facilitates creativity


The decision-making process continues for too long.

Relying upon the team, the group dynamics possess the power to hinder productive debate.

6. Affiliative Leadership:

In this case, the facilitative leaders give importance to their employees’ emotions and comfortabilities.

Is Affiliative Leadership Perfect For You?

Do you notice frequent disharmony among your employees? Do you possess the talent to address any dispute in a level-headed way? Also, do you think it is right to put your employees first, whatever it may be? Then, you are an Affiliative Leader.


Fast mitigation of conflict

Thrive in morale, retention, and peace in the office


Giving exclusively positive feedback to employees may suppress their learning and growth.

The demands of the employees may get increased by the boss’s pampering of them. 

7. Delegative Leadership:

Delegative Leaders or laissez-faire leaders expect their employees to solve their problems on their own with only little guidance of them.

Is Delegative Leadership Perfect For You?

Are your employees highly qualified self-starters, who have strong track records of them and are trusted? Have you provided your employees with individual creative-tasks-based projects that expect out-of-the-box thinking? Then, delegative leadership is in your blood.


It empowers coworkers and allows them enough time for using their competence and experience for thinking.


Vague tasks or expectations result in a productivity dip

Ineffective for less-trained or less-experienced coworkers.

Wrapping Up:

A leader with a good leadership style will effectively communicate with his team members, mentor them and inspire them for pursuing his company’s business objective or mission. Also, the leader must be flexible enough to change his leadership style for adjusting to new situations if needed for the accomplishment of his business. However, it’s you who can comprehend your style of leadership well and hence can excavate it out for the betterment of your company and your dealings with your coworkers.

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