Playing Fun
It was a bright shiny Sunday morning. Exams were over. All children had gathered on the playground to play and have some fun.
Most of the children had carried their mobile phone with them. All the children were sitting together, but no one was talking to one another. All the children were busy plating games on their mobile phone.
All were together but none were together in true sense. All were busy in their own phones.
After playing with their phones, all were tired. Rohan started complaining of a headache. Seema too had had the same.
Reena’s eyes were burning and had turned red. Sunil thumbs were paining. Anil’s battery had turned dry, so he could not play anymore.
One by one all the children started getting bored. They started talking to one another and started discussing about what can they play together. All were trying hard but could not think of any outdoor games. They all decided to go their society’s best friend to find a solution. Their best friend was their neighbor and most lovable uncle Tushar. He was like a grandpa to all the children.
All the children hurriedly reached to his house. Uncle was reading a newspaper. All the children entered his home and greeted him. Uncle too greeted all the children and welcomed all of them. He was very happy to see all the children, but at the same he was also wondering as how all the children are here today. He tried to guess the reason for the same.
Rohan told uncle about the problem all the children were facing. They all had come to find a solution for this. They wanted to learn some new outdoor games in this summer vacation. They wanted to have some real fun. Uncle listened all the children patiently and then smiled.
He promised all the children help them. All the children were very happy with this. All the children were very excited too.
Before starting the games, uncle told all the children to gather a few things and keep them ready.
He asked them to collect some flat stones, some old handkerchief, a ball and many more things. He also reminded all the children to carry water bottles with them. He asked all the of them were their caps too.
All the children followed the instructions carefully. All the children were ready with all the things in no time. All the children were now all set for the games.
Uncle too came to the playground. First, he explained all the children the importance of outdoor games.
Playing helps us be fit. It is very important for our physical health. It keeps healthy and active. He also shared a few experiences he had while playing in his childhood. All the children were very happy to listen them too. They enjoyed all the stories uncle shared with them. They had so much fun listening to all the stories. Listening to all the stories, it motivated them to play the games. They all were eagerly waiting to start playing and have all the fun with their friends.
After this, uncle started introducing the names one by one, their names and the rules too. All the children listened to all the information carefully. They understood all the rules properly.
And finally, all the children started playing the games.
One after the other, the children played all the games. They played many games like, cricket, sac games, skipping race, cycling, Lagori, Gilli danda, Kho- Kho. Children also enjoyed playing with the marbles too.
The loved the tug of war. Boys loved spinning the top on their palms. Girls enjoyed the hopscotch game.
They also enjoyed playing the games like Dog and the bone and four corners. They played chor- sipahi too.
After playing so much all the children were tired and hungry too.
They thanked uncle to teach them so many wonderful games. They really enjoyed it a lot. All the children decided to Play all the games one by one everyday and enjoy their vacation and have fun!!