The natural flavor of Life

Indian Life Photo by Anna Pou from Pexels
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Indian Life Photo by Anna Pou from Pexels

The natural flavor of Life

Moses limped slowly towards his house of cream dollops and cakes,he was sixty one year’s  old ,lean individual with a grouchy expression  fixed permanently  on his face ,it was as if he never could smile, his scanty grey hair flew over his forehead as he tread slowly  on the streets of  London.

It was half past eight as he reached the doors of his shop and slowly unlocked it, the glass was decorated  with  paintings of   chocolate and cakes everything  in his store seemed  sweet except the owner, there was a chocolate  fountain  on the left of the counter and behind the counter were shelves  filled with different  kinds of chocolates  arranged  in beautiful  packages.

A child’s dream world in short.His shop enclosed all kinds and flavors of chocolate, cake and ice cream .The cakes were arranged  on a three tier circular  table  in one corner of the store behind the shelves  to the right  was a door which led to a bakery where the cakes were baked by professional  bakers, moses himself  being a Baker in his youth shared his best recipes only to the bakers in his bakery.

Many felt the reason for his grumpy disposition was his inability to  savor the tasty products  in his bakery  being an ardent sweet connoisseur he missed  savouring the delicacies in his store the reason being the receding  insulin levels of his pancreas, in his youth it was his habit to relish everything he baked and enjoy a satisfying joy which filled his soul with peace that heavenly  feeling is what he really missed in life.

One frosty morning  a little girl came to his store she looked at him and smiled then said” Do the cakes you sell only look beautiful or do they taste so too?”

An angry moses took one of his favourite slices of cake and offered it to the girl ,the girl ate a small piece and left the shop saying that she would pay for that slice with a better cake the next day

Moses called her but she slipped away. The next day again she was back with a box of ice cream which she offered  moses, he refused  saying he couldn’t eat sweet she insisted and he tasted a bit he was overwhelmed  beyond words the same soulful joy filled him “what is this?”

The girl replied “this is the sweetness of Nature!” Moses didn’t understand, the girl said”this icecream is made on my farm not only this even juices,cakes and chocolate too are made there,would you like to come and see?”

Moses looked at the girl arrogantly and said ” no I don’t believe you and I won’t come,go away girl don’t spoil my business ” the disappointed girl left  but returned the next day with a slice of cake for moses, though tempted he refused to eat it saying  it would affect his sugar levels, the girl smiled at him and said” This cake is made with beetroot, it is made with natural colors and flavors, just try it ,it will not harm you .

” A hesitant  Moses ate the slice and relished it, it bought a smile on his face, it was so satisfying, he felt the same soulful joy and looked at the girl and said with tear filled eyes “you have made me relive my youth”

The happy girl said will you come to my farm now?  Moses clasped  her hands and the next moment they were in a wagon on their way to her farm, en route he came to know that the girl was called  Maggie she lived in a farm along with her grandma and mother,  her father  passed away  when she was five and her grandfather use to run a bakery behind the farm and would travel to nearby towns to sell his products at low prices.

unfortunately , he died a year ago and now the farm and bakery were being  looked after by Maggie’s grandma and mother but they sold the products only to the local farmers as traveling to town was difficult for both the ladies.The specialty of the cakes and products made here was that they were made only with natural ingredients no artificial sweeteners or color. 

When they reached the farm Moses introduced himself to Maggie’s  mother and grandmother  and said” I’ve tasted a few of your products and it’s so hard to believe you make these only with natural ingredients and fruit fibre no sugar ,how is it possible  ,and why such pain and effort?” Grandma with tranquil look said”Mr.Moses ,mother’s  love is pure and not contaminated ,even Nature’s love is also pure, why should we contaminate that bountiful and pure love with artificiality? 

let us take what God has given us as it is; and pain it’s not pain it’s the love to provide healthy food to an unhealthy world, the power to cure lies in Nature; this is what my husband use to say and that is what we follow and anything which is pure and made with love is bound  to taste good” 

Moses felt enlightened he went back to his store he looked at all those cakes which he couldn’t eat he chipped off a bit of cake and tasted it  he felt a bitter sweetness  tingle his senses  just then  he saw Mr. Gordon  his regular customer pass his store  he beckoned him  “Mr.Gordon won’t you drop in to collect  your favorite cupcakes today?”

Mr.Gordin smiled back” sorry  Mr.Moses I’ve got a bad tooth,too much of sweet, looks like I won’t be able to have anymore for some time” moses waved back and said ” no worries  mr.gordon from next week I’ll be selling  cupcakes  which won’t affect your teeth, just make sure you pick up some” mr gordon looked happy” sure that’s the best thing to hear”.

Soon Moses went back to the farm and signed  a  contract  with Maggie’s mother to provide him with a regular  supply  of all her confectionery and he himself never missed the satisfying soulful joy of the relishing Natural flavors of Life.

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