7 Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
According to the IPCC, humanity will remain until 2030 and after that, risk of extreme flood and heat will increase which can play with the life of hundreds and millions of people overall the world. If we come to the twentieth century, climate change is affecting to our environment, and it is the reason of global emissions of greenhouse gases which is caused by the human activities.
There are a lot of ways you can follow to reduce your carbon footprint. In this post, we are going to discuss some of those easiest ways. So, let’s start.
A carbon footprint is the amount of GHG which means greenhouse gas emissions which is being released into the atmosphere by population, product, organization, or any service. This emission is included by carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, and water vapor.
This all gases increase the heat in the atmosphere and after that, it also raises global temperature. That’s why it is a cause of climate change.
Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
These ways may require some lifestyle changes but, on the other hand you can set yourself on the path for living more sustainably.

- Avoid waste of food According to a research in the United States, an average person wastes 40 percent of the food which they purchase. If you want to avoid food waste, check the refrigerator before going at grocery shop to avoid buying items that you already have, freeze the food before it will spoil and reduce your portion size for avoiding cooking more food that you can eat.
- Eat less meat if you want to choose a low carbon diet then, vegan diet is best. A research shows that, meat is a reason of climate change because the production process of meat includes land, water, and feed. If you are not going to stop it completely, you can add few vegan meals in the week to eat less meat. Additionally, eating food which is grown locally can reduce the amount of fossil fuels while transportation. Onwards, food which is processed with a minimal process or low energy is require during the process.
- Travel efficiently transportation and traveling both are the sources of greenhouse gases. Driving or going via flight will reduce your carbon footprint. Completely ditching bike or car, it would be out of question, try to go with bus trip, cycle ride and other types of public transportation.
- An energy efficient home If you are living in a state, in which you have allowance to choose your energy supplier then, only one step you should take is to choose a supplier who uses renewable energy sources. If the electricity is being made with the help of coal, then, it’s too harmful for the environment than solar and wind power.
- Reduce use of plastic Plastic is almost impossible to break down. Most of the plastic can’t be recycle again even if there is a symbol of recycling on it. Most of the it, gets down in the ocean or in the landfills. You just want to reduce the use of plastic or reduce the use of single use plastic such as bottles and shopping bags.
- Shop well –Whenever you are at the shop, buy those products which has a long-life use for avoiding early replacement, reusable plastic bags instead of any other and lastly, invest in carbon offsets (carbon lowering products)
- Follow recycling process- If you want to make sure that you are following this process, wash food containers to ensure that, they are acceptable at the recycling center, donate electronic materials which is working instead of throwing them.