Be Loyal to your Soil

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Be Loyal to your Soil

What is soil?

   Soil is one of the three important natural resources, along with air and water. It is one of nature’s most wonderful creations, and without it there would be no life. Soil is a mixture of organic matter, minerals, gases, liquids, and organisms that all collectively support living things.

 “Nature is nurturing us. However, we need to take care of it and maintain it.”

Role in the economy and it’s function

   Soil plays vital role in  development of the economy of every country. Agriculture and agro-industries are largely dependent on soil. Soil is the most valuable asset of a farmer and it is a living environment. The productivity of a farmer always depends on the health of the soil in his field. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of it and keep maintaining it carefully.

    However, the soil is actually made up of three main components – minerals that come from rocks below or near mountains, organic matter that uses soil, the remains of plants and animals, and organisms that live in the soil. Soil has four major functions, including the medium of plant growth. Soil is a source for natural water storage, supply and purification. This work of soil as a reformer of the earth’s atmosphere has been going on for ages.

 Soil Health –

   Healthy soil is very important for human health because what is in the soil affects our dietary health and capacity, which we get from it. Land under cultivation is losing its natural productivity, as well as declining health power; This is due to excessive use of chemical fertilizers and application without testing the pH of the soil, as well as excessive irrigation of organic fertilizers. Therewith, non-use of vermi-compost, and environmental damage, making the soil unable to maintain a standard pH level.

 “Want healthy food, make soil-health healthier. Remember, no healthy …. no wealthy”

    Farmers are only producing the crop from the soil without giving healthier organic or filling it properly. You should know that whatever you give to the soil will be returned to you. Because soil is the main source of trace elements (e.g. iodine and cadmium), it is held by crops and plants before humans eat it, so to overcome this , it is necessary to control the declining soil fertility, avoiding the adverse effects of chemicals used in agricultural will come. Now we need to find a ways to improve the health and fertility of the soil.

 What can we do?

   Therefore, in fact, the farmer should return his soil at least once in 2-3 years with soil from lakes and rivers (alluvium) or with organic manure, animal manure, earthworm sowing soil and constantly rebuild the soil dams to avoid damage. Doses of alluvium and organic manuers can improve and maintain soil health for a long time. Ascites coated with sand particles; The physical properties of the soil can be completely changed and helps in the binding of water in the soil, this process does not involve any chemical elements, which means it is a pure organic process. If every farmer adopts this process, his plants will flourish, grow nutritious food grains and the health of the soil will remain good for years to come. This can result in any inferior sandy soil being reflected in high yielding agricultural soils.

“Humans are the cause of soil pollution, so we have to fix it.”

   Therefore, alluvium turns sand into a sponge that retains moisture / water. As a result, farmers can save water, reducing water consumption by 60 to 65% compared to current irrigation regulations. Through it, the soil contains nutrients.  Thus, organic processing methods of alluvium increase agricultural productivity along with quality can improve soil health as well as long-term fertility; And repairs environmental damage over the decades.

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