Being Alone
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Being Alone

A scar of bluff

What do we want from life? Happiness is all each one desires. Some find it in name, fame, career, money etc. Nandita found happiness in laughter and love.She had gone for a training where she met people from all over India. They did group exercises and assignments.

She became a good friend of James. Later he told her he was already having a girl friend.she was happy for him. He was posted in Jalandhar while she was at Dehradun. James ce to Dehradun and met her whenever he xoild. They became good friends and spent time laughing, pulling each other leg and seeing places.

Time passed by and during one visit he asked her to come for shopping. She went and he selected a gold chain for a girl. He told her that he was short of funds, so she paid for it using her credit card.This continued to happen during the next five to six visits.

Nandita was now feeling uncomfortable as she had spent a lot using her credit card and repaid using her salary. After four months, she needed some cash and asked James via email as his phone was unreachable.

He replied that she was her friend and he had never taken any cash from her so there was no question of returning anything to her. He also mentioned that she was her friend for life. She felt cheated as he had taken all gifts for his girl friend using her money and refused to give a penny.

Nandita was in a state of shock for few days. She cried also and then realised that this was a relationship wherein she had been bluffed. She cutoff all ties with James. She stopped taking his calls.

He called to tell her that he was visiting her place on her office phone but since the meetings had left a scar she didn’t respond. She never met him. One day they met at another training and she just wished and avoided him completely. He tried to speak to her but for her he didn’t exist.

The whole relationship had been a scar of bluff and so she ended it to avoid any futuristic agony.

She was happy to be with few reliable people rather than be with wrong people.

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