Ballpoint Pen Day

Ballpoint Pen Day
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Ballpoint Pen Day

Do you know the significance of June 10th? It is observed as The Ballpoint Pen Day. This day on calendar will be for a ballpoint pen and mark it to celebrate this day of every year.

The day honours the ballpoint pen and marks the anniversary of the patent filing of the ballpoint pen on this day in 1943.

Brothers Laszlo and Gyorgy Biro are the owners of the US Patent 2,390,636 which is better known by the world as Ballpoint pen.

After many failed attempts and failed patents by many inventors, this patent by the Hungarian brothers with the usage of the quick drying inks was marked as a remarkable as the invention of fountain pen a decade before.

The Ballpoint day celebrates the inventors and their contribution in the ineffaceable mark they had left to the world.

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