Education For All Kids – Where We Stand Today?

Kids @pexels
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Kids @pexels

Thanks to Right to Education (RTE) Act,2009, many children and kids below the age of 14 are going to school. But a pertinent question arises here is, are we doing enough to ensure that each kid from every nook and corner of India is going to school?

It’s clear that a lot of things have improved in the past few decades. Still, India, needs to work very hard when it comes to ensuring educating every kid. Moreover, our kids are the future of this great nation. More they study, better will be the nation’s share in demographic dividend. And we already know that more than 60% of our population are youth, so it’s the right time to focus on our primary and higher education once more.

Basically, what happens in India is, kids are thrown to the world of manual labour and menial work instead of school because of abject poverty.

Few Things We Must Do To Build An Educated India

1) Reduction in school fees. Believe it or not, this is the one reason why poor parents avoid getting their kids going to school.

2) Make English compulsory from Primary class. As we already know that now is the age of digital era and English is a connecting factor. So, if a kid starts learning English from childhood, then he can communicate better in English when he or she grows up as an adult college-goer.

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3) Midday meal should enhance its quality. Well, I know the government is doing everything possible to ensure quality midday meal at school premises, still its quality should be routinely checked for quality assurance purposes by the concerned authority.

4) Girl education must be taken seriously. Yes, you can’t imagine an educated and qualified workforce when 50% of the populace don’t go to school. So, all efforts should go towards empowering women and making girls education a serious issue. Let’s make “Beti Bachao, Beti Parao” mission a reality.

5) Child labour should be strictly banned. There are many kids working at hazardous factories — this must be stopped. Instead, if these kids are too poor then their economic well being must be take care of by the government and they should be asked to go to school.

More primary schools and colleges or institutions of higher education should be opened across the country.

Well, India and Bharat are two different concepts. While we boast of India being the third largest and fastest growing economies of the world, somewhere Bharat is, still lagging behind in terms of development.

Image source: Pexels

What we need today is the ‘educational well-being of our kids. And for that the first step is to open more and more schools across all parts of the country with special emphasis to rural areas — those stay far away from media limelight — we don’t get to know much about these places.

Also, some incentives like placement and scholarship must be given to the meritorious and hardworking students based on their merits and conduct only.

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