Remove malicious apps from your phone

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Did you know that it can be a lot easier for malware to end up on your mobile phone or tablet than on your computer? As a Chandamama Website Reader, you are important to us, so we want to make sure you know how to tell if a malicious app is on your phone.

Image result for hacked phone

Signs of bad apps on your phone:

  1. Slow Internet Connections :
    Malicious apps use a lot of internet bandwidth to operate. If your connection speeds suddenly crash to nothing, that can be a clear sign.
  2. Using Too Much Data :
    Even if you have an unlimited data plan, always keep an eye on your data usage for sudden spikes.
  3. Your Battery Life Is Bad :
    Malicious apps require a lot of battery life. If you go from a full charge that lasts all day to suddenly having to charge your phone almost all day, then you may have a problem.

If you are not an expert please don’t try blocking or tackling this malware on your own. Get Anti-Virus Software Online. It scans and removes malicious apps and prevents new ones from installing on your device.

Even google is not immune from hacks, please see this link

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